
[Help] New dog shows his belly a lot.Dog Talks

Hey all, I just adopted a wonderful 4-year-old dog! In all the areas that actually matter he is perfect. The one issue I would like to correct is how often he shows his belly. Need to put on his leash? Shows belly. Putting on a jacket? Good luck, here comes the belly. Bending down to pet? Shows belly. Again, it's not the end of the world but it does make putting on winter gear a bit like wrestling a noodle. Does anyone have any tips on ways I can discourage how often he does this? Submitted November 04, 2020 at 03:15PM by TwistingEarth

[RIP] Candy, Chihuahua, 12Dog Talks

Yesterday our little girl passed away in my arms, I was capable of doing nothing at the last moments of her life, she was 12 years old, really don't know if that's much time for a chihuahua but for me it isn't, she was sick the last weeks and it was under medical treatment as a matter o fact this past Monday she was ok, she was was playing with us and eating as much as she was able under the table, she loved to be there because everybody always shared some food with her. She started to have some trouble to breath so I took her to the vet, she loved to go in the car, no matter where I took her she was always happy, didn't knew that it was to be her last ride, as soon as we arrived the doctor gave me bad news, during the medical check she peed herself and started to scream at my arms, didn't knew it but she had a heart attack, the vet was able to bring her back to life but it told me that because of her condition there was nothing to do, immediately sent a message t

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[Help] Dog (Husky Mix/ 7) has been acting anxious since fireworks 3 days agoDog Talks

First of all, fuck all the fireworks that seem to be going throughout 2020. Background: I adopted my dog last November when she was 6 years old. She had the typical adjusting period and has been amazing simce. She's very stubborn but generally loving, friendly, and playful. We realized she was scared of fireworks on the 4th of July. So much so that she tried to escape and scratched through the molding on our door. Now when we expect fireworks, we just give her anxiety meds prescribed by the vet. Issue: We weren't expecting any fireworks on Halloween as that has never happened before. We live next to a lake and realizing that it's becoming a hotspot for people to blow off fireworks for whatever reason. On Halloween, there were a bunch that luckily ended around 9pm. She tried to scratch the door again but luckily we got her to stop. She remained trembling on the ground for the rest of the night. There's days later, she seems extremely depressed. She won't play, ea

[Discussion] Need to take my dog to the vet, called into work, & my boss tells me she’s disappointed.Dog Talks

So my husky Kira has been having soft stool to diarrhea for about 3/4 days. Usually I’m not surprised by soft stool and it goes away by a day but for some reason, it hasn’t yet. So I decide to call into work today stating I have a personal emergency & so I will not be coming in. My boss goes “Aw.. [my name].. I’m disappointed” but than tells me alright & hangs up before I could say have a good day. So we’re short staffed, I get it. However, I been coming in on my days off & working extra hours! Last week, we had three people call in & one coworker left early due to her child (boyfriend issues). Along with a coworkers showing up late & doing no call no shows so it affected our break/bathroom breaks. Don’t get me wrong, I understand people have their own life they need to take care of but it really made me angry that my boss told me she disappointed in me. The last time I called in was 7 months ago due to not feeling well. (Thinking it was COVID, thank gosh it’s wasn

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