Can Dogs Eat Apples? You gotta Love em'

Can Dogs Eat Apples? As I sit here in the dog park in the shade with my small pack of dogs munching on a lovely red apple, I have been asked this question numerous times now and the answer is very simple, Can Dogs Eat Apples? In their natural state Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes and pretty much all Canids will eat fruit and berries found on the floor as part of their diet. But, Can Dogs Eat Apples? YES! they can, however and here is a very IMPORTANT point to make, they MUST NOT eat the seeds!!! as these are TOXIC and POISONOUS! for Dogs. So lets see how to prepare Apples to make them safe for our dogs to eat. Its easy to do, After you have selected your Apple cut in half to expose the 'PIPS' or seeds, then using a knife or spoon or whatever you have to hand, cut around the centre piece holding the seeds and remove them, making sure that all of the seeds are clear of the Apple. There may be more seeds in your Apple than shown here in this example. ...