Springer Spaniel - Detection Dog Training

Springer Spaniel - Detection Dog Training English Springer Spaniel (Archie) As part of our work detection dog training is one of the most demanding. The hardest part or certainly one of them, is the initial choice of dog we are going to train. The breed tends not to be so crucial, any of the gundog varieties will suit, but more often than not they can be split down into groups once we know what jobs they will be doing. For instance, the Labrador, Labrador mixes are more suitable for passive roles such as multi people queue detecting, such as lines of people to be searched before entering a nightclub/airport/docks, Spaniels more suited to small spaces due to their smaller stature and often used for building searches because the handler can often help by lifting to search more awkward areas. This is a generalisation of course as different breeds can be used for both types of work, ie the German Shepherd and Belgian Shepherd, usually but not limited to the Malinois, ...