Dog Equipment - Still using daily after 30 years...

Still using daily after 30+years... As I was walking my dogs my wife asked me about a dog leash/lead I was using, "how long have you had that old thing?" she enquired, I looked at it and thought about it for a moment puffed out my cheeks and shook my head, "do you know I had this before I met you and we've been married 28years this year and I met you 2years earlier and I may have had it a while before that". So thinking about it, I got it for a Rottweiler I had at the time and if my memory serves me well I think I got it from my brother who was working professionally with dogs (and still is) and I believe it to be a British military issue rope lead, I reckon it still looks pretty good now, the quality is superb, all I've done is put 2 knots in it for extra grip as its used for protection dogs in training as well as for my GSD x Malinois mix daily walks. So have you got any dog stuff you have been using for years