Dog Check chain collar/Choke collar update
Dog Check chain collar/Choke collar update. A few years ago I made a video on the correct usage of the dog check chain collar as so many dog owners did not know how to use correctly and even that the correct term for the collar was in fact 'CHECK' chain not 'CHOKE' collar. This was I believe one of the main reasons the Check chain became one of the dog worlds greatest NO NO's. As the pressure to train dogs in a gentle non punishment manner became all consuming, one of the targets used to bash dog trainers and owners alike was the demonised 'CHOKE' collar, understandably so. Only problem was, that like many things that are misunderstood the nay' Sayers did not know what they were really condemning. They even called them 'CHOKE' collars and may have got them intertwined with the also hated Prong collars to such an extent that the two became understood to be one and the same. Used in the right way and context the check chain is a wond...