[help] This has only happened since one of my housemates came home for college after being away all summer. I know the routine has changed with us in college but her behaviour is now weird/changed around all the guys, even my bf (third housemate).Whenever they come home, she runs up to them really exited, and then just changes to looking really nervous (head and body low, tail tucked) and pees, quite an amount.None of them are aggressive with her when and before this happens, they're actually quite polite because she's not really their dog, they just tell her 'down' when she inevitably jumps up, which she is getting better with as she matures. I do the exact same, though sometimes I can be more assertive with her when she gets overly exited with me, as I'm the main owner and her favourite. And even so, has never peed with me or looked nervous in this scenario. Only if she's in trouble, and will sometimes dribble, but not the amount that's happening here.I...