[Help] Dog (Husky Mix/ 7) has been acting anxious since fireworks 3 days agoDog Talks

First of all, fuck all the fireworks that seem to be going throughout 2020.

Background: I adopted my dog last November when she was 6 years old. She had the typical adjusting period and has been amazing simce. She's very stubborn but generally loving, friendly, and playful. We realized she was scared of fireworks on the 4th of July. So much so that she tried to escape and scratched through the molding on our door. Now when we expect fireworks, we just give her anxiety meds prescribed by the vet.

Issue: We weren't expecting any fireworks on Halloween as that has never happened before. We live next to a lake and realizing that it's becoming a hotspot for people to blow off fireworks for whatever reason. On Halloween, there were a bunch that luckily ended around 9pm. She tried to scratch the door again but luckily we got her to stop. She remained trembling on the ground for the rest of the night.

There's days later, she seems extremely depressed. She won't play, eats a little bit, and will start stalling as soon as we're back on our block after walks. I'm not really sure what to do.

Question: Do I just give it time? I'd like to help her feel better but I'm unsure of how. If so, that seems fine but my biggest concern is her walks. We usually walk 30-45 minutes per walk, twice a day. Shes fine for the entire walk but then will stall the remaining 5-10 minutes it takes to get us home. I've had to carry my 50-60lbs dog back the last three walks and she's pretty heavy. Do I cut our walk time??

Would appreciate any guidance here. I've ordered a thunder vest just in case.

Submitted November 03, 2020 at 11:51PM by IdealPajamaPal https://ift.tt/3jZrzGy
