[Discussion] Need to take my dog to the vet, called into work, & my boss tells me she’s disappointed.Dog Talks

So my husky Kira has been having soft stool to diarrhea for about 3/4 days. Usually I’m not surprised by soft stool and it goes away by a day but for some reason, it hasn’t yet. So I decide to call into work today stating I have a personal emergency & so I will not be coming in. My boss goes “Aw.. [my name].. I’m disappointed” but than tells me alright & hangs up before I could say have a good day. So we’re short staffed, I get it. However, I been coming in on my days off & working extra hours! Last week, we had three people call in & one coworker left early due to her child (boyfriend issues). Along with a coworkers showing up late & doing no call no shows so it affected our break/bathroom breaks. Don’t get me wrong, I understand people have their own life they need to take care of but it really made me angry that my boss told me she disappointed in me. The last time I called in was 7 months ago due to not feeling well. (Thinking it was COVID, thank gosh it’s wasn’t). I’m part time & only suppose to be working 20 hours a week yet I’m working 30 - 35 hours a week because we’re short staff.

I do feel guilty yet mad that she stated that. I understand that this is my job (I work with kids) and I have responsibilities with it.

However my dogs are more important to me & I can’t just let my dog keep having potty issues.

Has this happen to anyone else? Also thanks for letting me rant.

Submitted November 04, 2020 at 01:02PM by Twohuskies https://ift.tt/34X0OOT
