[Vent] Please be mindful about spreading misinformation about the rescue processDog Talks

I'd like to preface by saying that I have a breeder dog because I wanted a very specific breed and wanted a puppy I could train from the get go. I own this and I don't need to justify it. As much as I wanted to rescue a dog, I am not suited for it and do not have the patience to do it justice.

I'm a breeder's assistant and something's been bugging me for a while. I've noticed a lot of people that come to us feel the need to justify that they tried really hard to rescue a dog, but rescues wouldn't approve their applications and automatically reject them because they weren't married, lived in an apartment, didn't have a yard etc. etc. etc. When I ask most of these people a bit more on how they tried to rescue, most people just submit blind applications online, get rejected, get disheartened because the application took a few hours, and then just apply for a breeder. Many of them hadn't even checked their local humane societies/ASPCA/SPCAs, or gone to the next county over, or tried their hand at adoption fairs (there are a few covid friendly options now). It was pretty clear that these people wanted this specific breed, tried half-heartedly to "rescue" a dog, and then were pretty quick to "resign" to having to go to a breeder.

One of the people who is in the queue for our breed dogs recently posted on our social site responding to another person asking about the rescue process. This person told the person seeking to rescue a dog to not bother, because the rescue process is so corrupt, and to just go ahead with choosing a breeder.

Please do not spread misinformation to people about the rescue process if you haven't done your true due diligence in attempting to rescue. You don't need to justify getting a breeder dog, there is nothing wrong with going to a breeder, but don't use pretenses to make yourself feel better to your inner self or to other people about why you're not rescuing. I'm well aware how difficult rescuing is, and acknowledge that sometimes there really isn't another option but to go to a breeder. But don't tell other people that you went to a breeder because the rescue process 100% rejected you if it 100% didn't. You are making it so other people, who don't know better and who don't know all the different routes to try to rescue, won't even bother trying to rescue. It is insulting to both the rescue and the breeder community, and it's transparent and embarrassing.

EDIT: This post isn't intended to shame any of you who legitimately tried to rescue and ended going with a breeder. I'm glad you found your doggie friend. It's expressing my frustration at people who barely tried, but spread misinformation to others about the difficulty of the rescue process when they don't have first hand experience, and it's self-serving to make themselves feel better about choosing a breeder over a rescue.

Submitted November 04, 2020 at 08:28PM by Affectionate_Treat53 https://ift.tt/368iXbI
