[vent] leave my lifeline alone!Dog Talks

I have a psychiatric service dog in training, and she's my lifeline. she alerts me to panic attacks before they happen and responds accordingly to what I need from her in the moment.

however, people are OBSESSED with her. they stare and go like AWWWW SHE'S SO CUTE and my dog often gets lunged at by toddlers. gladly, my dog is very confident and she isn't very reactive to her surroundings. she's back up from being startled in a few seconds, and she's becoming increasingly attentive to me. I understand that service dogs aren't a thing you see every day, and they may be pretty cool.

however, this does NOT give you the right to come up to my dog and potentially distract her! no, she doesn't want your pets. she doesn't want your treats. she does not need your attention! would you do it to someone's heart monitor? no? then don't do it to my service dog! she's medical equipment and should be treated as such.

I need my service dog to be reliable, and letting people pet her while she's working will reverse her training and potentially put me in danger. please ignore service dogs!

Submitted November 05, 2020 at 03:09AM by LazyTumbleweed https://ift.tt/3etD3RD
