[help] my dog died screaming in pain and my heart is being torn apart.Dog Talks

[] Today a few hours ago my baby passed on. We dont know what happened. He fell sick three days ago. Then yesterday he started throwing up green bile and blood. He didn’t eat for 3days straight and thats what his vet advised.(no water or food only ringers lactate) The vet only did a blood test and said that my puppy had an ulcer and a severe infection .gave him an iv and sent him back. Yesterday nightwhen i was sitting with him while he was on iv he seemed so sick.it crossed my mind that he might leave us soon. But not in the way he did. This morning he was surprisingly better. Was sitting up and even went on a walk though still lethargic and sick. After an hour i think he started moving towards any corner he could find.we let him be because he seemed agitated because of the iv tube in his leg i think. After like 2 mins i see him dragging his back legs and moving towards the door .we immediately run to him and he keeps dragging himself away from us and throwing up green bile and blood. He threw up 4 times in a minute. I cant get this picture out of my head.he looked so scared,so confused and in so much pain. Just staring right ahead and breathing so hard. We take him to the vet and in the car he starts whimpering and screaming in pain.keeps moving around too because hes in so much pain. We get to the vet and they take an xray and say something like “oh his stomach and intestines are completely ruined.we can do a surgery but survival rate is very low for him” At this point we know we have to let him free and so we go to the doctors office to tell him to put him down as soon as possible because hes in so much pain. I dont know how this works but all this time my dog was still whimpering in pain at the vets and they didn’t give him any sedative or painkiller. We come back from the office to my dogs room and my baby had died. . . My puppy died screaming in pain.scared ,confused in a new environment all alone .(my brother and i went to the doctors office and had to leave him for a bit and i regret this so much) My heart is being torn apart.i can’t imagine the pain my innocent little puppy went through. I feel like I have no closure because the vet didn’t give a definite diagnosis and it all happened so suddenly ..with in three days from a healthy puppy to screaming in pain.also my parents had us leave the body at the clinic so they can burry him.I wanted him to be in our garden.i keep picturing him wrapped in towels in a black body bag in the freezer ready to be dumped in the ground tomorrow with many other dog bodies. I feel like I failed him. I don’t know what to do. My heart cant take this Please help.anything.

Submitted November 04, 2020 at 08:14PM by reddew297 https://ift.tt/3k08BQn
