[HELP] Dog started screaming, yelping and running into everything for about 20 minutesDog Talks

I have a 14 year old Boston Terrier. Suddenly tonight, she started screaming in a manner that I cannot even explain. She is blind, so she was walking/running around the house very quickly and running into walls, doors, knocking things over, etc., while continually screaming.

After about 5 minutes of this, I rushed her to the vet because it was not going away. In the car, she kept screaming and trying to jump out of my arms.

The vet shot her up with some Valium, and she calmed down. I was able to take her home, and she seems to be close to normal, though she is still pacing. No screaming though.

Here is some more info:

- For the past year or so, she wanders around the house aimlessly, and barks at closed doors until I open them. This usually starts around 4PM, and can either last a half hour or all the way until 8PM or so. I just figured this was due to blindness, or senility, but realize a brain tumor/another brain issue is in the cards.

- She had 18 teeth pulled 8 days ago. She needed them pulled, because she developed a severe infection which caused a massive lump to form on her cheek. She did great recovering from the teeth surgery these past 7 days, so I'm not sure if this episode is related.

- She is on 100mg Clindamycin (antibiotic) and a half a tab of Rimadyl (pain med) post surgery. She has been on these for 8 days.

- Her appetite is amazing. I gave her a bit of food when she got home tonight, and she gulped it down. She was also begging my mom for some cheese tonight after the vet, which was a great sign.

- She has been going #1 and #2 normally

Does anyone know what could have happened? The vet said it could have been a stroke or panic attack. Though if it were a stroke, I doubt she would be recovered already and have improved with the Valium shot. But it seemed far more severe than a panic attack.

If anyone has had any experience with something like this, I would love to hear about it. It scared me half to death and I thought I was losing my little girl.

Submitted November 04, 2020 at 12:45AM by tomcruise_momshoes https://ift.tt/3kUL0BX


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