German Shepherd Belgian Shepherd a good mix?

German Shepherd Belgian Shepherd a good mix?

German Shepherd x Belgian Shepherd mix.

German Shepherd Belgian Shepherd a good mix?
This is our own bred dog 'Ozzy' out of our Malinois female 'Ava' and our German Shepherd 'Amigo' both from European Working bloodlines, with many Trials champions going back many generations.
As owners we had decided that we liked the idea of larger bodied Malinois for our security/protection work knowing that in general the Mali's tend to be more lightweight, that = agility and speed, but in the UK they have not, until recent years been, recognisable as a guarding breed by the general public.
That recognisability is an important part of the 'Deterrent'  factor when patrolling on sites/premises.
*German Shepherd Belgian Shepherd a good mix?*
So in the past when purchasing or breeding Belgian Malinois we have always looked at size as well as all the normal markers when getting a new working dog.
'Ava' is a larger Mali' and 'Amigo' a medium to large GSD, so their offspring was a mix of both as you might expect, of the eight pups, three were medium and five were large type, exactly what we wanted.
Of all the puppies only one went to be a family pet, the rest all to be guarding or working dogs.
German Shepherd Belgian Shepherd a good mix?
The addition of the GSD DNA has certainly provided the heavier look that is more recognisable to the general public as Shepherd like when seen from a distance whilst still offering the overall tenacity of the Malinois.
Over all we can recommend this cross breed or mix as one to look at as an alternative.
German Shepherd Belgian Shepherd a good mix?

Click on links to view Malinois and GSD 


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